Nordic Theatre Studies, vol 31, no.1
“Theatre and Continental Philosophy”
is now available for download
Theatre and Continental Philosophy
(S. E. Wilmer and Karen Vedel)
‘Suddenly a Stranger Appears’: Walter Benjamin’s Readings of Bertolt Brecht’s Epic Theatre
Freddie Rokem
Hybrids, Chimeras, Aberrant Nuptials: New Modes of Cohabitation in Bioart
Audronė Žukauskaitė
Bourdieusian Concepts and the Field of Theatre Criticism
Martynas Petrikas
A Literary (Techno)science: The Silent Speech of Erkki Kurenniemi’s 2048 Performance
Wade Hollingshaus
Three Phases of Theatrical Public Sphere in Estonian Theatre
Eva-Liisa Linder
Performance as Counter-memory: Latvian Theatre Makers’ Re ection on National History
Zane Radzobe
Playing History. Play and Ideology in Spelet om Heilag Olav
Julie Rongved Amundsen
“Theatre Phenomenology” and Ibsen’s The Master Builder
Daniel Johnston
“almost invisible until now”: Antigone, Ismene, and the Dramaturgy of Tragedy Kristina Hagström-Ståhl
Hvad med teaterhistorien? (What about Theatre History?) Edited by Erik Hvidt and Per Lykke.
Reviewed by Rikard Hoogland