Special issue of Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies to be published in July 2019
The special issue’s theme is “Teaching Performing, Performing Teaching.” Submitted articles should resonate with the following description of the project:
Both performance and pedagogy operate as two–way communication between the agent and the recipient – the performer and the audience, or the teacher and the student. Both performance and pedagogy have the significant potential to transform as well as to fail. This very weakness of theatre as well as pedagogy is also its greatest strength: its authentic possibility to fail. The vulnerability, fragility of both performance and teaching/learning highlights its human nature creating thereby a sympathetic bond with the Other. Therefore, performance/theatre as well as pedagogy can be both transformative, life illuminating experiences.
We invite contributions from all possible areas of English language discourse revolving around ideas connected with performance, theatre, pedagogy and its possible interconnections.
Papers are invited from all possible fields, including (not restricted to):
Performance as teaching, teaching as performance
Performance and teaching, teaching and performance
Performance and research, research and performance
Performance as research, research as performance
Performance art, its history and application
Performance and pedagogy, performance as pedagogy
Pedagogy as performance, pedagogy and performance
New trends in pedagogy to enhance performance
New trends in performance to enrich pedagogy
Linguistics and performance
Performative linguistics
Literatures and performance
Literatures and performances
Failure as a creative agent
Didactics, methodology and new performance-boosting trends
And many others.
Ivan Lacko performing Unclouding the Poetics of In-Between, Nuuk Art Museum, Greenland, 26. 04. 2015 © photo: Jan Suk
Guest Editors
Cyrielle Garson, Avignon University, Anglophone Studies Department. Dr Garson is a researcher in contemporary British theatre, specialising in documentary, experimental and political strands of performance. She is currently lecturing in the English Department at the University of Avignon in France and preparing a monograph on verbatim theatre with De Gruyter. She is also the secretary of RADAC (the French Society for Research in Contemporary Anglophone Drama) and has just been awarded one of the CDE biannual awards for her PhD dissertation.
Daniel Schulze, Theater Konstanz, Deputy Artistic Director. Dr Schulze works as a Deputy Artistic Director at Theater Konstanz, Germany. Prior to this he was a teaching fellow in English Literature and Culture at the University of Würzburg, Germany. He is the author of well-acclaimed book Authenticity in Contemporary Theatre and Performance published by Bloomsbury in 2018.
Please send your manuscripts to Jan.Suk@uhk.cz. The deadline for submission for Vol. 6 Nr. 1 is1st April 2019. The volume will be published in July 2019.
Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies, as a peer-reviewed academic journal, aims to be a medium which brings together the results of current research of Czech and international scholars. It welcomes submissions of articles in the following fields:
 English Linguistics
 Anglophone Literatures and Cultural Studies
 English-teaching Methodology
The journal will publish both contributions presented at Hradec Králové Anglophone Conferences as well as other original unpublished papers. All submissions shall be the subject of a double expert blind-review procedure to ascertain whether they constitute a beneficial contribution to the field of Anglophone studies.
Guidelines for Submissions
The manuscripts should be submitted in English in the range of 3000 – 6000 words, with references formatted according to the MLA 8th edition, see www.mla.org. Please note that submissions which do not conform to the MLA style with in-text citations will not be considered for publication. Authors are solely responsible for the correct use of English language. Each submission should be preceded by a 200-word abstract outlining the article and also short bibliographical information about the author.
For more information about the periodical please contact Jan.Suk@uhk.cz
For more information, visit the journal’s webpages: http://pdf.uhk.cz/hkjas/
Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
University of Hradec Králové
Rokitanského 62
500 03 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic