The Enrichment Bursary is to support new and unaffiliated artists/scholars/activists particularly those from under-represented groups to attend PSi, Performance Studies International, conference #29, Assemble!(June 20-23, 2024) in London and make a contribution.  The Enrichment Bursary covers the costs of attending in-person the annual PSi conference, including accommodation and registration fee, but not travel expenses (airfare etc.).  It is paid for and awarded by the conference organizers who oversee and conduct the reviewing process.  Only applicants who have already had their proposal for a presentation accepted by the organizers of the current PSi conference and are attending the conference in-person can receive the award.

Application Deadline:  Feb 1st, 2024

For more information on Enrichment Bursary and how to apply, please see below:

How do I apply?

Applicants should submit the following:

  1. a 1-page CV
  2. a 250-word (max) paragraph qualifying their eligibility for the award.
  3. evidence of acceptance to the conference and presentation abstract

Send all above materials to the PSi Awards Officers:

Please put ‘Enrichment Bursary Application’ in the subject line of your email. 

How will the recipient of the bursary be decided?

The recipient of the PSi Enrichment Bursary will be decided by the PSi conference’s Program Committee based on eligibility criteria and on the review scores for the presentation proposal.

What do the bursary consist of?

The Enrichment Bursary covers:

  • accommodation costs*
  • full conference registration fee
  • 1-year membership to PSi. 

*Accommodation costs will be covered at a hotel to be agreed upon between the applicant and the Program Directors on the PSi conference and only for the duration of the conference

When will I know the result of my application?

The date for application results will be announced. Once a decision has been reached, the recipient will be notified directly in advance of the conference.

What happens if I win?

The Enrichment Bursary is officially bestowed every year at the AGM of the annual PSi conference.  Winners of the award must attend the PSi conference and the AGM in-person.