Pre-Conference Events
June 3

Eleonora Fabião is a Brazilian action artist and performance theorist. She has been performing, lecturing, teaching and publishing internationally. Things That Must Be Done Series (Performa Biennial, NY 2015) is the title of a work and, also, a way of referring to her artistic practice. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, School of Communication, she holds a PhD and an MA in Performance Studies (NYU) and an MA in Social History of Culture (PUC-Rio). Fabião is Researcher Level-2 of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development since 2019 (CNPq).
The meeting will be hosted and moderated by the Laboratory of Acting and Practical Knowledge – LabACT (Institute of Arts, State University of Campinas – Unicamp, Brazil) in partnership with the PSi – Performance Studies international.
TBA June
Upcoming livestreams with conference presenters; to be streamed on Zoom and Facebook.